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Below are the policies which parents and athletes must agree to in order to join the team and participate in team activities.

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Weather Policy

Cassel Hills Piranhas Weather Policy for Team Practice:

  • Temperature below 60 degrees: we will conduct practice, but will not get in the water. Bring shoes and clothing appropriate for dry land training.
  • Practice will not be cancelled for light rain.
  • If radar suggests bad weather, we will not cancel practice until the weather actually turns dangerous. If you are not comfortable with the outlook, it is your decision to come or not.
  • Practice will be cancelled only if thunder/lightning are in the area or rains are too heavy to safely be in the pool.
  • Cassel Hills Pool staff have the right to close the pool at any time during a regular practice if conditions are not safe.
  • It is not Cassel Hills Piranhas responsibility to determine if driving conditions are safe. It is our job to determine if it is safe to swim in the pool only. If we are having practice, it is your responsibility to determine if it is safe for you or your child to drive to practice.
  • In the event we have to cancel practice, a team text will be sent as soon as the decision is made. Every effort will be made to send the text as early as possible.
  • The Weatherbug app is the team's preferred weather forecaster.
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Volunteer Policy

Each family is responsible for working 8 volunteer meet halves over the course of the season. Each position is recorded and verified by the Volunteer Coordinator. Please sign up for your work positions on the team website as soon as possible. To learn more about volunteer expectations please attend our team open house.

Examples of ways to fulfill volunteer requirement:

  • Mom works one half of every meet;
  • Dad works both halves of three meets;
  • Both Mom and Dad work two positions for one whole meet and half of another.

A $160 volunteer check deposit, or a pre-authorized charge during registration, is required from all families. If your family is unable to work any of the 8 required volunteer shifts, $20 of that money will be used to hire someone else to work.

At the end of the season, if your family has worked all 8 of the required shifts:

  • Your check will be returned to you (if you paid your volunteer deposit this way), or
  • The conditional volunteer fee from registration will be released (if you authorized your volunteer deposit this way).

 If your family was unable to make the 8 shifts:

  • Your check will be cashed, and a pro-rated refund check will be issued to you from the team (if you paid your volunteer deposit this way), or
  • A pro-rated amount of the conditional volunteer fee from registration will be charged to your credit card (if you authorized your volunteer deposit this way).

There are two exceptions to this policy:

  • If your family only has swimmers participating in the Assisted Swim program, there is no volunteer requirement. Assisted Swim events are the first two events of every meet, which allows those families to enjoy their events and then leave the meet if they so desire. Requiring these families to stay up to 2 hours for a volunteer shift would be overly burdensome.
  • If your swimmers are not going to attend any meets (a practice-and-conditioning registration), then you are not required to volunteer for any shifts. Again, if your swimmer(s) cannot attend the meet, it makes no sense to ask the parent(s) to attend either.

Please note that there are no other exceptions to this policy. For more information on why we have this policy, please refer to the Volunteering FAQ page.

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Medical and Liability Waivers

Below are the texts of the Medical Release Waiver and Liability Waiver that parents and swimmers must agree to during registration:

Medical Release Waiver:

"I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian for my child(ren). I hereby give my permission for any supervisor, coach or other team administrator associated with the Cassel Hills Piranhas to seek and give appropriate medical attention for our child(ren) in the event of accident, injury, illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any necessary medical attention and/or treatment.

I hereby waive, release and forever discharge Cassel Hills Piranhas and associated supervisor, coach or other team administrator from all rights and claims for damages, injury, loss to person or property which may be sustained or occur during participation in Cassel Hills Piranhas activities, whether or not damages or loss is due to negligence. I hereby acknowledge that my children is (are) physically fit and capable of participation in all Swim Team activities."

Liability Waiver:

"By registering my child(ren) with the Cassel Hills Piranhas, I agree to participate (or allow my child(ren) and family members to participate) in the Cassel Hills Piranhas, and hereby release Cassel Hills Piranhas, its directors, officers, agents, coaches, and employees from liability for any injury that might occur to myself (or to my child(ren) and family members) while participating in the Cassel Hills Piranhas program, including travel to and from training sessions, swim meets or other scheduled team activities.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the above mentioned organizations and/or individuals, their agents and/or employees, against any and all liability for personal injury, including injuries resulting in death to me, my child(ren) and/or other family members, or damage to my property, the property to my child(ren) and/or other family members, or both, while I (or my child(ren) or family members) participating in the Cassel Hills Piranhas program."

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SOSL Code of Conduct

Parent and Swimmer Code of Conduct
The Southern Ohio Swim League (“SOSL”) is a summer recreational swim league comprised of the following clubs: Cardinal Hill Cardinals, Cassell Hill Piranhas, Germantown Gators, Idle Hour Sailfish, Miamisburg Barracudas, Preble County Stingrays, West Carrollton Waves (Collectively referred to as the “Clubs”). The Clubs expect the following from the swimmers, parents, coaches:

Hard Work * Good Sportsmanship * Integrity * Teamwork * Professionalism * Respect for Others

The following Code of Conduct is a general outline of the behavior participating swimmers, coaches, and parents are expected to follow at all times. The Code of Conduct cannot address all possible situations, and therefore, the coaches and disciplinary action committee have discretion in disciplining behavior that is disruptive and/or unlawful, whether displayed at practice, meet, or other team function:

1. I will listen to the coaches, and I will not disrupt the team meetings, practices, or team functions.
2. I will not use profanity.
3. I will not physically or verbally abuse another swimmer, coach, official, parent, or volunteer, including, but not limited to sexual harassment of any kind.
4. I will display respect and professionalism to all involved in the sport, including not engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct, such as taunting, with any opponent, coach, official, parent, volunteer, or spectator.
5. I will not misuse or damage equipment, the facility, or other peoples’ personal property.
6. I will not use illegal drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
7. I will follow the rules of the Club at which practices, events, or meets are taking place.

I understand that failure to comply with these rules will subject me to immediate contact of my parents and disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the coach and/or disciplinary action committee. I understand that failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action, included, but not limited to the following: a verbal warning, removal from practice(s) and/or current/future meet(s), suspension or expulsion from team.

1. I will support the values of Good Sportsmanship, Hard Work, Integrity, Respect for Others, Professionalism, and Teamwork during practices, meets and other swimming events and in my dealings with all coaches, swimmers, officials, volunteers, and parents.
2. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by maintaining control and will conduct myself in a manner that earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, coaches, officials, and volunteers at all practices and meets. I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed towards coaches, officials, volunteers, team and league Board members and any participating swimmer and/or parent of a swimmer is considered unsportsmanlike, and is not permissible and may result in both me and my child(ren) facing disciplinary action.
3. I will maintain self-control at all times.
4. Any form of sexual harassment will not be tolerated, and will be reported if seen or heard about by other members of the team.
5. I will discuss any concerns that arise with a coach and/or board member at a proper time so as not to interrupt a practice or meet.

I understand that failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action, included, but not limited to the following: a verbal warning, removal from practice(s), and/or meet(s).

Disciplinary action teams would be as follows:

  • Intra-team issues will be handled by coach and team board members of the respective Club.
  • Dual Squad issues arising during meet will be handled by 2 board members of each Club.
  • Championship issues arising during meet would be handled by one board member of each Club.
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Cassel Hills Piranhas By-Laws

The Piranhas By-Laws are the rules by which the Cassel Hills Piranhas team is run. These rules are regularly reviewed and updated, and a downloadable PDF copy can be found on the Documents page of this website.

Parent Board By-Laws

1. Organization and Purpose
This organization is called the Cassel Hills Swim Team, referred to herein as the Team.
The Team is a summer competitive swimming group founded with the specific objective of promoting swimming programs for the benefit of swimmers of all ages and abilities; to educate, train and direct the interests of the swimmers and to operate solely and exclusively as a charitable, educational, non-profit organization.

The Team is a member of the Southern Ohio Swim League, herein called SOSL, and will function in accordance with applicable Bylaws and Rules and Regulations.
All Bylaws, policies and rulings pertaining to the conduct of the Team and its swim meets will conform to Southern Ohio Swim League and Cassel Hills Swim Team Bylaws and rules and regulations. 

2. Membership
Competitor members are those swimmers who are members of the Team. The benefits and services of the Team shall be made available to any person who desires to participate in the competitive swimming program and is capable of swimming one length of the short course pool (25 meters) alone or with limited assistance. This organization does expect for children to be of age to understand the instructions their Coaches will provide and be able to follow directions. 

The General Membership is made up of the parents or legal guardians of the competitor members. Each family of swimmers of the General Membership shall be entitled to one vote in the affairs of the Team. Membership and voting rights are contingent upon payment of all Team fees and meeting all obligations set each calendar year. Membership is automatically terminated if the above conditions are not met. Termination of membership does not relieve any member from existing liability for fees or other obligations that are unpaid and due at the time of termination. 

3. Powers of the Team
The powers of the Team shall include but may not be limited to: 

  • To determine participation in and conduction of meets and competitions as the Board of Directors shall determine to be in the best interests of the Team.
  • The publication and distribution of programs, newsletters, videos, social media posts, a website and other publications designed to promote the activities and affairs of the Team. 
  • The solicitation and sale of advertising space in such publications and obtaining of sponsorships for competitions and publications.
  • The contribution of money or other things of value for scholarships, programs, recognition, awards or other causes for the benefit of the Team.
  • The retaining of persons, firms, or corporations as may be necessary in order to provide special services to the Team.
  • The purchase, sale, and conveyance of real or personal property and the entry into any contracts, leases, or other agreements necessary to properly conduct and administer the affairs of the Team.
  • The operation of food concessions and the sale of swimming equipment and paraphernalia to its members and other persons; and the authorization to engage in other lawful activities as may be necessary to properly carry out the purposes of the Team and conduct its’ affairs.

4. Meetings of the Members
The Team shall hold a meeting of the general membership annually at the end of the season for the purpose of reviewing the activities of the Team, electing a Board of Directors, and conducting other business as needed. Election of Board members may be conducted at the end of season awards presentation, as well, to encourage greater member participation. 

The Team may hold additional special meetings of the membership as necessary to conduct the affairs of the Team. Special meetings will be called by the President of the Board of Directors, by majority vote of the Board of Directors, or by written request of at least ten percent (10%) of the General Membership. 

Meetings of the general membership shall be held at a convenient time and place designated by the Board of Directors. Written notice of the meeting shall be given to all members not less than 10 days before the meeting. Such notice shall be at least by one of the following: electronic mail, posted notices at the pools where practice is being held and/or hard copy sent via USPS. Members in good standing, present in person, at any properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws the decision of a majority of the members present shall be the decision of the Team. 

5. Board of Directors

The administrative functions of the Team are managed by a Board of Directors, also referred to as the Board, made up of elected members of the General Membership of the Team. The management of the Team is a collaborative effort between the Board of Directors, the General Membership and the Coaches. The duties and powers of the Board include but are not limited to those defined below. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to adopt rules and regulations and/or policies and procedures, and to amend such as needed for the conduction of the business and activities of the Team.

The Board may appoint committees necessary to conduct the functions of the Team.
A board of at least four (4) and no more than eight (8) members shall be elected by and from the General Membership at a yearly meeting. Each board member shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected and takes office. Board members may serve without term limits as long as a vote is held each year and is agreed upon by general membership at the yearly meeting.

Any vacancy in the Board of Directors caused by death, resignation, or disqualification shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors until the next annual meeting. Any member in good standing of the General Membership may seek placement on the Board of Directors at the annual election. Desire to serve on the Board shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 15 days before the scheduled election each year. Each family shall be limited to one adult member on the Board at any time.

Any member willing to serve shall have their name added to the ballot at the annual election. Resignation of any Board Member must be submitted to the President of the Board at least 30 days prior to the annual election. Contested elections shall be by secret ballot with each member voting for the same number of different nominees as there are vacancies on the Board. The Secretary shall act as teller. The nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected and shall assume office at the beginning of the next fiscal year unless elected to fill an unexpired term, in which case they shall assume office immediately.

All members of the Board of Directors shall perform those duties prescribed by the Board of Directors in order to accomplish the business needed for the function of the Team.

Any Board member may be removed from office with or without cause at any annual, quarterly or special meeting of the General Membership. The intent of contemplation of such action must be stated in the notice of meeting. Such action requires a majority vote of the General Membership present. 

The elected positions of the Executive Board of Directors shall include:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Information Officer
  • Three (3) Board Members At-Large

The responsibilities of each board and chair position will be released by the Board of Directors before the end of the calendar year to ensure proper time and communication is given. Sample Sub-Committee Chair positions are

  • Spirit Wear
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Fundraising
  • Equipment Coordinator
  • Concession Stand Coordinator
  • League Representative
  • Meet Director

6. Meetings of the Board of Directors
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least four (4) times during the fiscal year. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Board or the majority of the members of the Board. Seven days notice of meetings, in person or by electronic mail, shall be given all members of the Board. All meetings of the Board shall be open to any member or coach except when executive sessions are required for negotiation of contracts, for administering financial assistance and to discuss personnel issues.

Coaches may be excluded from executive session at the discretion of the President. A quorum is achieved when a majority of the standing Board of Directors are present. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote. A majority vote of the Board members present shall be the action of the Board.

The Board shall keep written record of its activities. Minutes shall be reviewed and approved at each subsequent meeting. Minutes shall be signed by the Secretary (or the acting recorder if the Secretary is absent) and the President. Minutes of meetings shall be open to review of the General Membership and/or Coaches upon request.

7. Budget and Finance
The fiscal year of the Team shall commence on the first day of August each year and terminate on the 31st day of July of the following year.

An annual budget shall be prepared by the treasurer prior to the beginning of each fiscal year for presentation and approval of the Board by the end of August (preferably) or before the spring parent meeting/open house. Fees and assessments will be based on projected expenses and income.

The books of the Team shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors after the close of the fiscal year.

Members of the Board or of any committees acting on behalf of the Team may be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses, but shall not be otherwise compensated.

Checks for the Team may be signed by the Treasurer or the President.

8. Miscellaneous
No director, officer, member, authorized agent, or representative of the Team shall be liable or responsible for any debts or liabilities of the Team, or liable to the Team except to the extent of their acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct.

All contracts and agreements authorized by the Board of directors shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer.

9. Approval or amendment of bylaws
These bylaws enacted on 07/14/2022 by the General Membership of the Team supersede any and all previous bylaws of the Cassel Hills Swim Team.

These bylaws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the General Membership provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted to the membership not less than ten days prior to such meeting. In order to be submitted to the membership, the proposed amendment shall have been approved by the Board of Directors.

These Bylaws shall be reviewed every two (2) years by the Board of Directors.

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